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The land park

24 Gennaio 2012 | By

The sport centre ArchiMete Sardegna is located in the heart of the Regional Natural Park of Porto Conte, a natural protected area of great value created in 1999. The park covers an area of 5,350 hectares in the territory under the Municipality of Alghero, and presents very varied and unique landscapes. The coastal area is located between Capo Caccia on the western side and Punta Giglio on the eastern side; and is characterized by wide cliff ridges, which fall off into the sea; alternating with less steep stretches of rocks. Instead, the cape hinterland is dominated by soft and small hills where wild animals can often be spotted: from wild boars to deer; from fallow deer to weasels; including hedgehogs and the white donkeys of the Asinara, which can be seen within the state owned forest “Arca di Noè” (Noah’s Ark) at Le Prigionette, a few hundred metres far from the tourist centre ArchiMete Sardegna.
A few kilometres further north is the Baratz lake, the only natural lake of Sardinia and privileged destination of hiking, biking and riding tours, which passes through the area of Porto Ferro. Extending for half a kilometre, it is a real natural outdoor laboratory, thanks to the presence of several species of flora and fauna. On the lake’s shore the flourishing maquis include Cistus, wild rosemary, myrtle, lavender, and strawberry plants; and among the bushes, it’s easy to spot birds like the coot and the wild duck, while tortoises peep out a few inches from the surface of freshwater.
Another reservoir of great naturalistic and historic interest, is the pond of Calich, on the western side of Alghero, near Fertilia. The pond is inside the area of the regional park of Porto Conte and represents an ecosystem for different plants and faunal species. The Roman bridge stands out, and is, along with the Roman villa of Sant’Imbenia, one of the few ruins left of the Imperial Age.
We must go back about 6000 years, to the Neolithic age, to get an idea of the history of the Alghero territory. The area is full of stunning historical and archeological finds, dating back to the Prenuragic and Nuragic ages, like the hypogean necropolises of Santu Pedru (Saint Peter) and Anghelu Ruju (Red Angel, or rather the Devil), as well as the Nuragic villages of Palmavera and Sant’Imbenia; all places which are easily reachable from the tourist centre, ArchiMete Sardegna. Specifically, in Sant’Imbenia, during the Ninth century B.C., Phoenicians established an important commercial port by exploiting the natural shelter of the inlet of Porto Conte and the presence of freshwater springs.


24 Gennaio 2012 | By

Sandro Pileri: owner of the diving center, diving instructor ESA and scuba diving guide* specialized in the management of diving centres. He boasts twenty years of experience in the field of diving. The sea has always been his passion, and he nurtures an uncurbed desire for communicating his love for the marine world to others. He considers safety the most important ingredient to experiencing the sea and enjoying the underwater world. Sandro is also an experienced boatman with nautical licence.

He is qualified to teach the specialty Cave.

* No. 837 sports and diving guides official register of Sardinia Region.




Giovanni Zinchiri: (“The beautiful Gianni” for friends!) Dive master PADI, certificated CMAS *** and experienced scuba diving guide*. An activity that Gianni leads with passion and a special feeling. He knows deeply the local history and the marine biology and for him every moment is perfect to share funny and curious tales with divers and customers.

Gianni is also an experienced boatman with nautical licence.

* No. 358 sports and diving guides official register of Sardinia Region.



Sergio Farina: (“Serginho” for friends!) PADI instructor (Master Scuba Diver Trainer 966278) and scuba diving guide* with a long experience in Italy and other countries all over the world (Maldive, Kenya, Red Sea). Professional and motivated, he finds always the right moment for a smile during the diving session or scuba training.
He is qualified to teach specialties PADI such as Deep dive, Digital underwater photography, Enriched air, Underwater naturalist, Wreck, Care for children, Peak performance buoyancy, Project aware, Coral reef conservation.
Sergio is also an experienced boatman with nautical licence and a long experience on yacht and luxury yacht.
* No. 659 sports and diving guides official register of Sardinia Region.



21 Gennaio 2012 | By


We are located in the heart of the Marine Protected Area of Capo Caccia-Isola Piana and the Regional Natural Park of Porto Conte, directly looking out over the pebble beach of the Tramariglio bay. An out-and-out naturalistic, environmental, and well-positioned paradise, since the many diving, snorkeling and land tour points of the two natural reserves can easily be reached from the bay, which is well-sheltered from the winds and rough seas.

Therefore, the proximity to the town of Alghero, is an explicit invitation to organize a fascinating tour among the historical and cultural treasures of the ancient Catalan town.


21 Gennaio 2012 | By

Attività Capo Caccia


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Active ecotourism outdoors: marine, hiking, biking, riding and kayak routesLogo beach bar per sito eng OK

A land and underwater natural paradise. The area of Capo Caccia and of the Tramariglio bay is still now a privileged shelter for protected birds such as the griffon (Gyps fulvus fulvus), present in Sardinia, and above all in this area, in less than a hundred specimens; but also for the kestrel (falcus tinnunculus), the peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus), the Corsican gull (Ichthyaetus audouinii) and the cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo), which nests and hangs around the close Isola Foradada (Foradada island).
This area is also the perfect corner for lovers of hiking, riding and biking activities. In the small “Arca di Noè” (Noah’s Ark) reserve, close to Tramariglio, it is not unheard of to spot animals such  as the wild boar, the little horse of the Giara and the fallow deer.
Some routes can be done by most of excursionists, while for other trips, experience, technical, and athletic skills are necessary. It is always advisable, for all concerned, to undertake the excursion wearing trekking boots, and to bring a small backpack with water and food supplies with a high energetic content; in addition to a change of clothes.



ArchiMete Diving Capo Caccia

21 Gennaio 2012 | By



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The ArchiMete Diving Capo Caccia is a PADI Dive Resort (n° 29089) who organizes diving excursions in the most attractive sites of the Coral Riviera.Logo beach bar per sito eng OK
The headquarters is directly on the beach of the Bay of Tramariglio, in the heart of the
Marine Protected Area of Capo Caccia-Isola Piana and the Regional Nature Park of Porto Conte. A headquarters rich in history, since until the 60’s was the post guard of the former penal colony Tramariglio.
The ArchiMete Diving Capo Caccia offers to its customers a cosy logistics area for changing and rinsing equipment, toilette with warm shower, outdoor showers, a wide veranda overlooking the sea and a wonderful garden with a kiosk, perfect place to enjoy moments of relaxation both before and after the activity.
The area of Capo Caccia, recognized UNESCO heritage, is famous worldwide for the presence of underwater and semi-submerged caves. In the Diving center are operating specialized professionals and certified personnel who know thoroughly the seabed and the caves of the Coral Riviera: a diving instructor and two dive guides, all enrolled in the official Guides register of Sardinia Region.
The Diving Center operates scuba and snorkeling activity with a 7.20 meters rubber boat equipped with Yamaha engine 200 hp 4T echo.Subacqueo stilizzato ENG

The ArchiMete Diving Capo Caccia is able to provide complete equipment for diving and snorkeling to 30 people and children over 5 years.
The strategic position of the Diving Center, in the middle of the Marine Protected Area of Capo Caccia-Isola Piana, allows to reach in a few minutes the most beautiful sites of the Coral Riviera.




Valigia proposta vacanza ENG

Pulsante ENG.













What is and what is there

18 Gennaio 2012 | By

Sede ArchiMete ok

Diving center Alghero


Many ideas, one single philosophy


The principle of ArchiMete: “A body surrounded by nature receives an emotional and wellness charge which is equal to the wonders which are around it”

The tourist centre ArchiMete was created with the specific aim of minimizing the environmental

impact as much as possible, above all in an area which is a treasure trove of biodiversities, also thanks to the presence of the Regional Natural Park of Porto Conte and the Marine Protected Area of Capo Caccia-Isola Piana. The headquarters of the tourist centre is the ancient guardhouse and soldiers’ quarters; in particular for Policemen, who served at the former penal colony of Tramariglio up until the Forties of the last century (see our history page regarding the headquarters).  The same eco-friendly philosophy was applied to the structures and equipment belonging to both the tourist centre and diving centre; for example all rubber boats are equipped with the latest generation in engines, which protect the environmental resources of both the marine and the land.


Chiosco bar Tramariglio okFrom 2015 is open to the public also a KIOSK-BAR with garden and relax area.








The marine protected area

18 Gennaio 2012 | By

The tourist centre ArchiMete Sardegna is located in the heart of the Marine Protected Area of Capo Caccia-Isola Piana; a protected reserve created in 2002 with the aim of protecting the natural and faunal heritage, which is unique in the world. Here, in fact, there is the highest concentration of underwater caves in the Mediterranean sea, which were a privileged refuge for monk seals until a few decades ago. Stunning and scenic ravines, rich in underwater flora and fauna, can easily be visited by groups of divers (however, a local diving guide must always be present). The marine area includes the fjord of Porto Conte, which reaches from Punta delle Gessiere on the northern-western side, across to the southern-eastern coast starting at Punta Giglio; ending up at the cape. The area is characterized by imposing chalky capes which rise up from the sea, and which are perfect shelters for birds like the Corsican gull, the Cormorant and the Rare Griffon; a bird which can reach a wingspan of around 3 metres. The marine area is divided into three areas; the “A” area is a full reserve where all activities are forbidden; while in the “B” and “C” areas, transit, diving, snorkeling, and fishing, with the required permit, are allowed.
The creation of the marine protected area meant a real turning point for the repopulation of the entire submarine world of this area.
Fauna: The marine protected area of Capo Caccia-Isola Piana has a fauna heritage which is unique in the world. The geo-morphological characteristics of the territory, specifically cliffs and chalky rocks, encourage the colonies of species such as sponges, lithophagous molluscs, and gorgonians belonging to the Eunicella and Paramuricea clavata species, including the scenic red and violet gorgonian which, in this part of Sardinia, finds its perfect habitat. Also the famous red coral (Corallium rubrum), finds the best conditions to root and grow here, and can easily be spotted in several caves, even at depths which are not so extreme (there are numerous colonies already at 5 metres in depth). A precious resource from a naturalistic standpoint, since coral is a very good environmental indicator; but also for the local economy, which has created a district for the hand-crafted processing of this organism which is unique in the world. This very important and historical element is also represented on the coat of arms of the Municipality of Alghero.
Waters and Caves of the marine protected area are also the perfect habitat for the Mediterranean spiny lobster (Palinurus elephas), companions on every dive in this area; for the red shrimp (Parapandalus narval), and clawed lobsters (Homarus gammarus); and for cicadas (Scyllarides latus) and crabs (Maja squinado). In the meadows of Neptune grass, (Posidonia oceanica) it is easy to spot funny sea horses (Hippocampus) and Pinna nobilis, in addition to cuttlefishes and bottom fishes like gobies, blotched picarels, blennies, marithes, green wrasses and mullets. Instead, the Necton environment offers close encounters with big pelagic fishes such as breams, sea basses, sea breams, groupers, sunfishes, congers and barracudas; the latter is easy to spot when returning from a dive. The protected area of Porto Conte and the steep coast of Capo Caccia are also an irresistible call to big cetaceans, like dolphins and grampus, which are easy to spot early in the morning.
Instead, cliffs and rocks which rise up from the sea, are the privileged refuge of several species of marine birds, like the Corsican gull (Ichthyaetus audouinii), the shag (Phalacrocorax aristotelis), the Cory’s shearwater (Calonectris diomedea), the shearwater (Puffinus puffinus) and the storm petrel (Hydrobates pelagicus).
Flora: The area protected by the Regional Natural Park of Porto Conte presents rich and flourishing greenery, and maquis, which alternate with forests of oaks (Quercus ilex); often rising up from the sea. The underwater world is rich in several species of brown and green algae, while sandy sea beds are dominated by meadows of Neptune grass (Posidonia oceanica). The nearest stretches of coast close to the river, on the contrary, see the flourishing of algae belonging to the Caulerpa and Cymodocea families.

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